Sabine Okraffka Psychotherapy in Bristol

Qualifications and Testimonials. UKCPlogo

About Me

Professional Qualifications

Sabine Okraffka M.A., Dip H.I.Psych., Cert. Ed.

What this means

I am a qualified psychotherapist, registered with the United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP).

I trained with Bath Centre for Psychotherapy and Counselling (bcpc) and I also completed a Masters Degree in Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapy with Middlesex University.

Previously I have worked in the Arts, in Education and Bodywork and as a therapist and group facilitator in Complementary Cancer Care.
I have extensive experience in teaching relaxation, meditation/mindfulness and breathwork techniques.

My languages are English and German.

My personal approach

I believe that we all naturally have the potential to live happy and fulfilling lives. Things can get in the way though and they often do. Sometimes we know exactly what it is we need to work on, sometimes there may be a vague sense of an underlying cause and more often we simply don't know but are left with a sense of unease and that life is not unfolding in the way we would like it to.

To shine a light onto this it is important to me to create a space where you and I can feel comfortable, calm and relaxed, where you don't feel judged and where you feel met with care and compassion. The therapeutic process needs both client and therapist emotionally and mentally engaged. It is a journey we embark on together. My role is not to tell you what to do but to support you in making the choices that feel right to you and to be by your side when this is hard or at times seems impossible.

This may sound a little vague but then the nature of the psychotherapeutic process is often intangible and it unfolds differently for each person as we are of course all unique.

What others say about me

"Sabine is an inspired and compassionate therapist, bringing a huge depth to her work with others. I have known her for many years, in both personal and professional capacity, and would recommend her without reservation to anybody seeking a safe place in which to explore emotions and feelings."- Michele Eve, Therapy Lead, Penny Brohn

"I wholeheartedly recommend Sabine who works at depth and with great integrity." - C.

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